How To Make Cheesy Pasta At Home?

Ingredients Needed For Making Cheesy Pasta:-

1.       250 Grams Pasta
2.       1 Onions
3.       1 Capsicum
4.       10 Grams Peas
5.       5 Spoon Of Mayonies
6.       Any Cheese
7.       50 Grams Of Panner
8.       Spring Onions
9.       Carrots
10.   Tomato Ketchup
11.   Vinegar
12.   Food Color
13.   Chilly Sauce
14.   Blackpepper
15.   Salt
16.   Oil
17.   Origano
18.   Chilli Flakes
19.   Ginger Garlic Paste
20.   3 Spoon Cream
21.   Sweet Corn
22.   Panneer

Procedure Of Making Cheesy Pasta:-

1.       First you have to boil 250 grams of pasta until its soft then put 1 spoon of oil and put a pinch of salt then wait for 10-15 minutes until it cooked.
2.       After boiling strain it in a bowl.
3.       Then take a pan put 2-4 spoon of oil then put 1 spoon of ginger garlic paste then put roughly chopped onion and stir it until its takes dark pink color then put finally 1 chopped capsicum cook it well then add some chopped carrots with some sweet corn and then add some peas.
4.       When the vegetables takes dark color and looking crunchy on that time add the chunks of pannier cook it well then add some salt according to taste and crush some black pepper on it.
5.       Then put 5 spoon of mayonis mix it well and put 3 spoon of cream and great some cheese on it you can use any kind of cheese.
6.       Then add some oregano and chilli flakes into it then mix it well and put some shezwan chilli sauce and some vinegar accordingly to you taste on that time put 1 spoon of tomato ketchup.
7.       And mix it well.
8.       When all vegetables were cooked and mixed with sauces on that time finally add the pasta into it and mix it well and make the flame slow for 5 minutes cook it well and keep mixing with all the sauces and vegetable now close the flame wait for 2 minutes until oil extra oil releases from pasta.
9.       And then take your favourate plate or bowl put into it carefully because its hot garnish with some oregano.
10.   Then quickly served served hot Cheesy Pasta. Enjoy Your Pasta.

Final Words:-

I hope Guys You Enjoy Chessy Pasta if you like this then don’t forget to share with students and moms so everyone enjoy this delicious pasta . I hope you like my hardworking if you enjoy the dish don’t forget to share your experience.



Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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